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Frequent Questions and Answers

Frequent Questions and Answers

Can I use tap water on my aquarium?

Well, Yes, you can, but you must remove chemicals like, for example, chlorine from your it before. I recommend Seachem Prime. More information here.

Are plants good for aquarium?

Plants are an excellent addition to your aquarium as they help purify your water (they consume toxic ammonia) and give shade to your fish. At night, plants convert CO2 into oxygen, which is also beneficial. Here you can find a list of easy-to-care aquatic plants.

How to tell if your aquarium is cycled

If you are cycling your tank and want to know if your aquarium is cycled already, measure your aquarium water to see if the Ammonia and Nitrite will go up and down. In this way, you will see the process happening. When your Ammonia and Nitrites are near zero again, you will be sure it is cycled and ready for fish. Look this graph to understand better – here.

How to cycle your aquarium without fish

You can cycle your aquarium using small quantities of fish food to start growing beneficial bacteria in your tank. Alternatively, you can use water additives, plants, or raw shrimp. Learn more about these methods here.

What is best algae eater for aquarium

Very relevant question. A combination of some Flying Fox fish and Nerite snails are the best approach to reduce algae in your aquarium.

What is the best food for molly fish

Great question. The best food for molly fish is a combination of dry food 6 days per week and blood worms one time per week

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