Cheap Planted Aquarium

Sharing years of aquarium and fish knowledge in one place so you don’t need to keep searching.

Aquarium Article Water Hardness Scale

Water Hardness

The hardness of your aquarium water can affect the health of your fish and invertebrates, which is why you should learn about it.
Learn about how to measure, reduce or raise your water hardness.

Aquarium Article Fish Tank Cycle Chart

Cycling your aquarium

Dead fish, food scraps, fish urine, feces becomes Ammonia. High levels of Ammonia lead fish to death and it needs to be removed. Fortunately, specific bacteria can consume it. Learn about how to grow these bacteria so they will keep your Ammonia and Nitrite levels low.

How To Steps to reduce your fish tank ammonia - smaller

Ammonia Fish Tank

Don’t Waste Time. Act Fast ! Reduce Your Aquarium’s Ammonia Level Immediately & Fix It Forever With These 6 Steps.

Aquarium Article Molly Fish

Molly Fish

Resistant and Easy to care for, the Molly fish is one of the most recommended species for beginner aquarists and fish tank lovers.

With many positive characteristics, it’s no surprise that Molly fish is so popular.

Aquarium Article Do Fish Sleep at night

Do Fish Sleep at Night?

Find Out More. Super interesting. Yes, fish sleep at night, but not like we humans. Oh, and there are the Night Hunters! There are Sharks! Shrimps.

Aquarium Article Types of Fish Tank Filter-Comparison Chart smaller

Fish Tank Filter

The Most Important accessory of your Aquarium: The Water Filter ! Read about Hang On filter, Canister, Sump, Sponger filter and Reverse Osmosis. Understand how they work and their differences.

Aquarium Article Fish Tank Size Matters

Fish Tank Sizes

If you buy a weak Water Heater, you can easily replace it. The same is NOT true when talking about Fish Tank.

If you make the wrong decision, you will regret it forever.

How To Amazing Betta Fish

Betta Fish Ultimate Guide

Keep your Betta Fish Happy. Plants & Food they Love. Ideal Filter and Light. Good Teammates for your Betta. A comprehensive Betta Fish Guide.

How To Detritus Worms vs Planaria comparison chart

Detritus worms vs Planaria

Super Easy ! Detritus Worms vs Planaria. It is not Rocket Science.

Learn How-To Identify (with pictures) and Get Rid of Them using Traps, Live Fish or Chemicals.

Aquarium Article How To Introducing Fish to New Tank Read-More

Introducing New Fish to the tank

Someone must have told you: “Open the fish bag and leave it in the water for at least 15 minutes, and then you can release them into the aquarium!”. Although partially correct, this advice is incomplete.
I want to guide you on how to introduce new …

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